Good things come in threes: Fontodi’s Giovanni Manetti confirmed as head of the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico

door | 13 sep 2024 | Nieuws

On September 9, 2021, Giovanni Manetti, class of ’63 and “chiantigiano” to the core, was confirmed as President of the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico for a second, three-year term. On the same date in 2024, in the Consorzio’s very special centennial year, Manetti was re-elected as leader for the third time, for another three-year term.

In a unanimous decision, the appointment was made today by the newly elected Board of Directors, once again entrusting the delicate task of steering the Consorzio to the owner of Panzano’s highly regarded Chianti estate. This gives continuity to the Consorzio’s strategic vision which in recent years has seen a rise in the profile of the Chianti Classico denomination with a corresponding increase in reputation and value.

A Cavaliere del Lavoro since 2021, Giovanni Manetti is a self-acclaimed artisan winegrower, whose passion for wine has extended across a wide range of roles from technical to entrepreneurial. As an active participant in the Consorzio, his roles have included membership of the Consorzio’s Board of Directors since 1992, Vice President since 2012 and finally, President since 2018.

This wide-ranging experience was recognised in the unilateral consensus of the different elements comprising the Board of Directors, who represent viticulturists, winemakers and bottlers. Winemakers. All reaffirmed their confidence in Manetti’s strategic approach; the unceasing promotion of awareness of the Black Rooster denomination and the relentless quest for improved quality based on authenticity and a sense of place which has improved the position and image of the denomination both domestically and internationally.

Under Manetti’s presidency, the Consorzio has achieved some key milestones which have contributed to awareness of the denomination. These include the recent introduction to production regulations of UGAs (Additional Geographical Units) and the increase in minimum percentages of Sangiovese in the Gran Selezione category (from 80-90%) combined with a ban on the inclusion of international grape varieties in this wine.  Other initiatives are in the pipeline, such as a bid for UNESCO recognition and work on a sustainability directive which addresses the future of the denomination. These projects embody the enduring foresight which has characterised the spirit of the Consorzio’s administration since 1924, when its thirty-three founding fathers had the groundbreaking idea of representing Chianti Classico, the product whose reputation they wanted to protect and promote, with the icon of the Black Rooster.

 “I have been asked to confirm my interest in leading this prestigious Consorzio and am delighted the entire membership is once again placing their trust in me,” comments Giovanni Manetti. “I hereby gladly accept this commitment and with renewed enthusiasm, I hope to lead the Consorzio and our member wineries for another three years. No doubt there are many challenges ahead and I hope to be able to progress along this successful path, making a positive contribution to the ongoing consolidation and development of one of the best organisations in Italy and the international wine world. Finally, I would like to thank the board members who have supported me thus far, those re-elected and also the newly elected members who will undoubtedly bring new life and new ideas to our Board. My special thanks then go to all the Chiantigiani winegrowers – it is thanks to them that our denomination continues to thrive and make its presence felt globally. Thank you to everyone who continues to believe in the “casa comune”, the shared community which is our Consorzio. As I have stressed on many occasions, it is this cohesion which is one of our denominations strengths – united we win!”

In recent years, the Consorzio has become increasingly aware of the indissoluble link between an excellent product and its place of origin. On of the key priorities in the programme for the next three years is to progress the UNESCO application for Chianti Classico as a cultural landscape. Other initiatives include furthering the Distretto Rurale del Chianti activities together with the area’s municipalities; further research into agricultural practices to learn how to cope better with climate change in the long term; promotion of the UGA project as a means of driving forward the wine/terrain connection; and finally, the study and development of a sustainability directive which can help preserve the heritage of Chianti Classico, its wines and its place of origin for future generations.

Together with Giovanni Manetti as Consorzio head, Francesco Colpizzi and Sergio Zingarelli were confirmed as Vice Presidents.

The Board of Directors, elected on June 27, consists of: Laura Bianchi (Castello di Monsanto), Luigi Giovanni Cappellini (Castello di Verrazzano), Sebastiano Capponi (Conti Capponi – Villa Calcinaia), Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi (Bindi Sergardi), Andrea Cecchi (Cecchi), Francesco Colpizzi (Fattoria Toscanella), Duccio Corsini (Principe Corsini – Villa Le Corti), Renzo Cotarella (Antinori), Simone François (Castello di Querceto), Angela Fronti (Istine), Giovanni Manetti (Fontodi), Tommaso Marrocchesi Marzi (Tenuta di Bibbiano), Alessandro Marzotto (Lamole di Lamole), Nicolò Mascheroni Stianti (Castello di Volpaia), Filippo Mazzei (Marchesi Mazzei), Giovanni Poggiali (Fèlsina), Enrico Pozzesi (Rodano), Francesco Ricasoli (Ricasoli), Francesco Rossi Ferrini (La Sala del Torriano), Sandro Sartor (Ruffino), Sergio Zingarelli (Rocca delle Macìe).