A journey of research to authentically express both the appellation and the winery’s signature styleTenuta...
Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, and Italy: Soave at the Starting Line
A packed promotional calendar designed by the Soave Consortium for the enhancement of the denomination....
Austria: The 2024 vintage – ripe wines, small harvest
The 2024 vintage was a roller-coaster ride for Austrian winemakers with late frosts, hail storms and...
Horecava onthult hoteltrends voor 2025: technologie en gastbeleving centraal
Tijdens Horecava in RAI Amsterdam zijn de nieuwste trends in de hotelsector voor 2025 gepresenteerd. De...
Cursus Wijnvignet in Arnhem april/mei 2025
Chris Alblas, die niet alleen register vinoloog van de Wijnacademie is, maar ook Register Wijndocent en...
Buskens in Nijmegen bekroond tot Wine Bar of the Year
De jury van de jaarlijkse Winebar of the Year-competitie in Nederland heeft vanmiddag bekendgemaakt dat...
Fair Match: new networking platform for ProWein
“Fair Match” is an innovative matchmaking tool offered by ProWein. It enables trade visitors and...
Golden start to the year at the ISW January Tasting: cognac, grappa, fruit brandy, liqueurs & co.
ISW January tasting: the results The 21st year of the Meininger's International Spirits Award began with...
International business: Bottega’s road map at the time of duties and the crisis in traditional markets
The Bottega di Bibano di Godega (TV) winery, which has always been export-oriented, has developed its own...